Posted on February 24, 2017 by admin

Co-founder conflict

Here’s how it felt in the weeks before I resigned from my last startup: I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. Resting pulse at 120. I had reached a point where I couldn’t agree with my co-founder over the future of the company. I had to step away. Every co-founder situation is different, but one common problem revolves around how founders engage in conflict: either not… Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 24, 2017 by admin

TheBlindGuide acquires UPenn startup ThirdEye, bringing computer vision to the visually impaired

There’s nothing quite like the atmosphere of a college hackathon. Amidst the free t-shirts and apps to help you find parties on campus always lie a few hidden gems for those with the patience to hunt. ThirdEye, one of those gems forged out of PennApps, UPenn’s hackathon, is being acquired today by TheBlindGuide for an undisclosed sum. Started by three current Penn… Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 24, 2017 by admin

When less is more

Money doesn’t necessarily mean freedom. Yet the ability to maneuver in response to business challenges is the one thing a startup founder needs most. Some of these decisions are minor; others are existential. As grueling as it can be to make a call on the hard decisions, it’s much worse to be unable to make a key decision at all. Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 24, 2017 by admin

Monzo, a UK digital-only bank, is closing in on new funding led by U.S.-based Thrive Capital

Monzo, one of a number of new digital only or so-called ‘challenger’ banks in the U.K. aiming to re-invent the current account, is closing in on new Series C funding, which could be announced as early as this week. According to multiple sources, U.S.-based Thrive Capital is leading the round. Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 24, 2017 by admin

How Pinterest’s visual search went from a moonlight project to a real-world search engine

Sometime around 2013 and 2014, deep learning was going through a revolution that required pretty much everyone to reset their expectations as to how things worked, and leveled the playing field for what people were doing with computer vision. At least that’s the philosophy that Pinterest engineer Andrew Zhai and his team have taken, because around that time he and a few others began… Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 24, 2017 by admin

DeepCoder builds programs using code it finds lying around

Like all great programmers I get most of my code from StackOverflow questions. Can’t figure out how to add authentication to Flask? Easy. Want to shut down sendmail? Boom. Now, thanks to all the code on the Internet, a robot can be as smart as a $180,000 coder. The system, called DeepCoder, basically searches a corpus of code to build a project that works to spec. It’s been used… Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 9, 2017 by admin

N26 users can now get a credit line in five minutes

N26 is iterating at an incredible pace these days with a ton of new product features and geographical expansions to build the most modern bank in Europe. But the new features always follow the same motto — your current bank sucks, everything should be simpler. Today, N26 introduces consumer credit done right.
I saw a preview of the feature a couple of weeks ago and it was quite impressive. Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 9, 2017 by admin

12 KPIs you must know before pitching your startup

Colorful data graphs on glowing panel of computer screens It is critically important for the founders of a company to intimately understand the company’s key performance indicators (KPIs). Founders cannot hope to grow a company in any meaningful way without an almost obsessive focus on its KPIs. Let’s review some of the KPIs that are important for founders to understand and for which they should have a strategy, or set of strategies,… Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

Posted on February 9, 2017 by admin

Descartes Labs opens its geospatial analysis engine to a handful of lucky developers

It’s easy to forget that even with the fanciest of machine learning models, we still need humans in the trenches cleaning input data. Descartes Labs, a startup that combines satellite imagery with data about our planet to produce insights and forecasts, knows this all too well. The company ended up building its own cloud-based parallel computing infrastructure to clean and process… Read More
Source: TechCrunh Startup

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